Friday, July 20, 2018

Mermaid Bookmarks

Earlier this week, we took a trip to the library to get some new books. I asked Raya what kind of books she would like and she said "mermaids!" Kind of a random thought... however, now that I think of it, she does love the movie "The Little Mermaid". But, she hasn't watched it lately and the subject of mermaids has never really come up in conversation before. So I go with it and we ask the librarian if she knows of any kids books about mermaids. We found these two:

Both are fun books that I would recommend if your child loves mermaids!

When I saw that Friday was going to be a cloudy, cool-weather-kind-of-day, I did some research and planned a simple mermaid craft for Raya to do. The timeframe between after naps and dinner can sometimes be a challenge to keep the kids entertained so I used part of this time to do the craft with her. I saw this great post on a DIY Mermaid Bookmark (check it out here!) and knew this would be a fun one for my 3-year-old to try. 

Supplies Used:
- mermaid printable (go to link mentioned above)
- colouring pencils/crayons
- paint (I use Crayola washable kids paint)
- sequins (check out your local dollar store!) 
- craft glue

First, she coloured the top half of the mermaids using colouring pencils.

Then she painted the mermaid tails and decorated them with sequins while the paint was still wet (although the paint dried fairly quickly and so we had to use some craft glue so the sequins would stick). 

Then we glued the top half of the mermaids to their tails and this was the end result:

(Unfortunately, some of the blue paint got smudged onto the faces of the mermaids, but how cute are these?!) 

Slip them onto a page in your book to keep your place....

Such a fun, easy craft! 

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